Importance OF Spending Quality Time With Your Child

Tips & Importance Of Spending Quality Time With Child

Do you want to encourage your child's social and emotional development while improving your relationship with them? Time spent with them can accomplish all of these things and more.

There's one thing all parents have in common: Life is busy. There is often little or no break between tasks for parents as they rush from one to another. Schedules are kept by us, meals are made, and boo-boos are repaired by us. In addition to being world-class entertainers, homework helpers, teachers' aides, and (unofficial) social workers, we are also world-class entertainers. Not to mention our most important job: chauffeuring. Our children's extracurricular activities are an additional job on top of school and work.

As a result, most people have little downtime. I don't have enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I need to. The chaos of day-to-day life affects more than just us; it affects our kids too, and the quality of our time together. Children's social and emotional development is ultimately influenced by their parent-child relationships. In order to spend quality time with your kids, what are some different things you can do?

Become a fantastic parent with these easy tips

Find out nine ways to facilitate quality time with your kids that will help you get to know them better and make them feel appreciated, loved, and understood.

Keeping track of daily activities

The first thing you ask your kids when they get home from school is how their day was, and nine times out of 10, they will say "it was good." But was it really good? If you're tucking them in for bed, ask them how their day went. Did they learn anything interesting in class? Did they try anything new at lunch? Who played with them at recess? Rather than only asking routine questions, make these conversations a launching pad for quality time, communicating about things that matter to your child on a daily basis.

Importance OF Spending Quality Time With Your Child

Baths and bedtime rituals

Having routines and rituals in place makes life run more smoothly. By knowing what to expect, as well as what's next, they help us and our children to prepare for the future. You should instead use this time to create quality time with your children instead of hurrying along the moments before bed. Choose a favorite song or a new tune you both heard while your child is taking a bath. Play a game while brushing your teeth. During each stroke, you can pretend that your child is destroying asteroids in space. As well as reading a story at bedtime. You can read to your child if they are old enough. Sharing things that pique their interest makes them feel heard, seen, and appreciated.

A job well done and achievements to celebrate

Don't miss any opportunity to celebrate your kids! We're not just talking about getting an 'A' in school or performing well in sports. Have they taken a risk to try something new? How much work and thought did they put into the project? Positive behaviors are reinforced when you celebrate their successes.

Give your kids the freedom to choose

In spite of the fact that relinquishing control can be challenging, their demands for quality time might not be as outrageous as you expect. Spend time with your child in the way they prefer. Are they interested in playing, coloring, or crafting together? How about throwing a baseball or dancing? You might learn something new about their interests by giving them the reigns, which is not just empowering, but can be pleasantly surprising, too.

Low tech is best

Every aspect of your day-to-day life is influenced by technology. Whether it's for school or work or just for winding down at the end of the day, screens are everywhere. Our lives depend on them. A quality time spent with your child does not need to involve any technology. The best way to bond with your family is by playing board games. In addition to sports, you can dance and sing as well. You should play to and pique the interests of your child.

Let's make it a day date

Take your kids out on the town when you have some free time in your schedule. Take a picnic lunch to the playground, paint pottery, or visit the library. Creating memories is more important than how much time (or money) you spend together.

It's okay to relax, parents: You're spending enough time with your children

Movie night or game night with the family

You can also spend quality time with your kids by introducing them to games and shows you grew up watching. The strategy and math skills involved in many games make learning fun. Having fun together as a family is a great way to make time fly when you're watching old shows and movies together, as they still tell timeless tales and teach valuable lessons.

Importance OF Spending Quality Time With Your Child

Together, we can create and cook

With the opportunity to plan their own meals and snacks, even picky eaters will be on board. As well as pique their interest in concocting creations, giving your children autonomy over their choices shows them that their ideas and opinions matter.

Wishing you a day full of yeses!

Having a 'yes day' means parents agree to let their children do whatever they want throughout the day. Saying yes for an entire day might make some parents furrow their brows and roll their eyes, but it won't be as stressful as you think. Research supports this claim. A developmental psychology professor, Kalama London, Ph.D., explained previously that, "research has found that the answer to happiness—not just in children—is a feeling of control in your environment. Children often do not feel in control of their environment."

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