how to put a baby to sleep in 40 seconds

How To Put a Baby To Sleep In 40 Seconds

If you're a parent, you know that nothing is more frustrating than not being able to give your overtired baby the sleep they need. Try something new if you've tried rocking, singing, and everything else under the sun without success. The good news is, there's always a way to get your baby to sleep. It just might take a little creativity and effort.

How can you help your baby sleep better? No matter what age your baby is, we will teach you a few techniques for putting him or her to sleep. In no time at all, you'll be saying goodbye to sleepless nights.

How do babies sleep?

Baby sleep science is essential to understanding what methods work to ensure a good night's sleep. 

The majority of babies crying sleep throughout the day and night, waking only for feedings (usually every three hours). A baby's demeanor will change when they get tired (which happens frequently throughout the day). 

"Instead of being playful and alert, they may start staring off into space," says Samatha Radford, PhD, an exposure scientist who specializes in maternal-child health. If they start rubbing their eyes, they may appear "zoned out.". As a result, they will become fussy, cry, and move more jerkily." 

As soon as you notice your child is tired, you should try to put them to sleep. Dr. Radford states, "waiting too long to rest your baby will release adrenaline and cortisol (the stress hormone) as a stress response." 

Keeping this in mind, you should pay attention to your baby's signs of tiredness in order to help them fall asleep. As soon as you notice that they are tired, continue to calm their senses. 

How can this be done most effectively? For infants 4 months and younger, Kerrin Edwards, founder of Meet You In Dreamland, recommends using the "five S's": 


  1. White noise machines or self-made shushing sounds

  2. Bottles, breasts, or pacifiers are commonly used for sucking

  3. A blanket or premade swaddle can be used for swaddling

  4. Swinging (in a swing or in the arms of a caregiver)

  5. Holding your baby while lying on their side is called side lying.


Regardless of your baby's individual needs, the key to helping them calm down and fall asleep is to help turn on their self-soothing switch. According to Edwards, "some babies may only need one or two of these things, while very fussy babies may need all five."

What is the fastest way to put a baby to sleep?

Even though we claim some of these tricks can work in under a minute, every baby is different.  One of these methods may lead to a baby falling asleep almost instantly, while another may take a little longer. Generally speaking, however, if you follow some of these tips, your baby should be sleeping in no time.

How to use tissues

The tissue trick has certainly garnered attention from the online community when it comes to 40-second sleep tricks. The Australian father Nathan Dailo posted a YouTube video in 2015 detailing how he managed to get his three-month-old son to sleep in 40 seconds. How does it work? Use a tissue to gently stroke your baby's forehead. Your baby is said to feel comforted and relaxed by the gentle pressure and movement.

Since it was originally posted, this video has gained tons of popularity. The video has now been viewed nearly 14 million times and the trick has been used successfully by many parents as well. 

Although there is no scientific evidence to support this specific tissue trick, research has found that massaging infants under six months may help them sleep better, cry less, and be less stressed. It is important to remember, however, that not all babies react the same way to stimuli; if a massage or a tissue trick works for one baby, it does not necessarily work for another.

Machine that produces white noise

A white noise machine can be a godsend if your baby is having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. In addition to masking other noises in the environment, white noise machines emit sounds. A baby who is easily startled by sudden noises or who has difficulty sleeping in a noisy environment may benefit from this.

You should choose a sound that is calming for your baby, but not loud enough to wake them up when using a white noise machine. To find the perfect sound and volume for your child, you may need to experiment.

Observations on the crib

Designed to help babies fall asleep more quickly (and stay asleep longer), Cradlewise has an integrated noise machine with white, pink, and brown noise options. In addition, you can customize soundtracks for your baby's sleep recipe with the Cradlewise App.

Mommy and me cuddle

In spite of the fact that there are several ways to help your baby fall asleep, Dr. Radford contends that allowing your baby to fall asleep near you is the best method. A baby's biological wiring is to sleep with his or her mother at night. You can get your baby to sleep by placing him/her in your arms, whether you are holding him/her at your breast, rocking him/her in a rocking chair, or wearing him in a baby carrier." 

How To Put a Baby To Sleep In 40 Seconds

Bedtime routines for babies: how do you start them?

In the same vein, establishing a bedtime routine is crucial if you want to make putting your baby to sleep easier. According to research, 20-30% of babies and toddlers have trouble sleeping. Your baby will fall asleep more quickly when you implement a routine to signal when it's time to sleep.

Creating a bedtime routine for your baby can be done in a variety of ways. It is not uncommon for parents to read a story to their children, sing a lullaby, and give them a bath at bedtime. Others prefer to incorporate massage, stretching, and breathing exercises into their routine.

The most important thing is to find what works best for you and your baby every night and to stick to it.The benefits of a routine include an earlier bedtime, fewer awakenings during the night, longer sleep duration, decreased sleep onset latency, and improved caregiver-reported sleep quality. 

Here's the bottom line

It is possible to help your baby fall asleep quickly and easily in many different ways. Some tricks may work better for certain babies, but you need to be patient and keep trying until you find one that works for yours. In no time at all, you'll be on your way to getting your baby those much-needed zzzs!

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