5 Co-Sleeping Myths & 6 Tips to Break Them

5 Co-Sleeping Myths & 6 Tips to Break Them

In order to sleep well, babies should follow the ABCs, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). They recommend that babies sleep alone, on their backs, and in cribs. Additionally, your child should sleep in the same room as you, but not on the same bed. Co-sleeping: how to stop it.

Several manufactured devices come with bassinets you can push right up to your bed, so you can have your baby right beside you.  When the baby is sleeping, parents or caregivers should prioritize safety.

Co-sleeping with a baby: what is it?

Co-sleeping involves sleeping next to your child, often in the same bed, sometimes in the same room, but not always.

 Co-sleeping is commonly thought of as only bed-sharing, but it actually encompasses a lot more than that.

The terms co-sleeping and bed-sharing have been contentious in the United States for a long time. Many parents who co-sleep hide the fact they do so in order to avoid negative comments.

The 4 Types of Co-Sleeping;

1. Sharing a bed

 When your baby shares the same bed with you physically, it's called co-sleeping.

2. Extension of the bed

 Attaches to the side of your bed so your infant doesn't physically sleep in your bed, but extends the space around it

3. The sharing of a room

 Your room either has a portable crib or a full-size crib, depending on where you sleep

4. Co-sleeping in certain situations

 A situational co-sleeping arrangement involves the baby sleeping in a crib in a separate room or nursery. If the baby cries or has difficulty sleeping, the parents may bring the baby into their room by using a bed extender or even by sharing a bed.

  • Being alone
  • Backwards
  • Their cribs

Sleeping in the same bed (co-sleeping) can be dangerous

An infant with sudden infant death syndrome is more likely to die if he or she shares a bed with another infant. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises against bed-sharing. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, sharing a bed increases the risk of SIDS.

  • Among the suffocation hazards for babies are soft or loose bedding, pillows, and mattresses for adult beds. The mattress, headboard, or wall can also trap or wedge an infant. 

  • Sleeping deep is a real danger for exhausted parents, as is rolling over onto their baby (which could cause suffocation).

  • The risk of SIDS increases when you smoke and drink alcohol.

5 Co-Sleeping Myths & 6 Tips to Break Them

  Sleeping with a partner has many benefits

  • SIDS can be reduced by 50%, which is one of the biggest advantages

  •  Your baby will be more likely to have breathing difficulties if she sleeps next to you in her own room.

  • If your baby sleeps in your room, it will be easier for you to feed and wake him at night

  • Baby checks can be done more frequently and parents can sleep better, so they are more rested

Co-sleeping: How to Break It

In the end, you should decide when your family feels comfortable sharing a room again. Others argue that room-sharing did not worsen their sleep even as their babies grew older, while others argue that their sleep improved as they shared their babies' rooms.

You may be able to break co-sleeping by following these tips

  1. Plan for late-night awakenings with both parents in mind. When the baby wakes up at night, be there for each other. As you encourage your baby's independence and self-reliance, remember that this is only one step.

  2. Decide which approach to take. The approach you choose depends on the temperament of your baby and the preferences of your family. In some cases, parents can reassure their babies in the crib in order for them to sleep better.

  3. your baby know what you have planned. Share the story of a baby who sleeps through the night.

  4. It is important to emphasize that the daytime is for fun and play, while the nighttime is for sleeping and resting. Whenever they accomplish something, praise them.

  5. You should provide your baby with a dark, safe place to sleep without blankets, bumpers, or stuffed animals.

  6. Make the baby sleep soundly by using a noise machine. 

  7. Consistency is key. Choose an approach that feels comfortable to you and your family. The transition from a family bed to a crib can take up to three weeks, according to Dr. Wittenberg.

  8.  Be calm and reassuring as your baby protests at first; this is completely normal.

  9. You should always consult your pediatrician if you are unsure about what to do.

Co-Sleeping Myths

1. You’re Going to Spoil Your Baby

 It is false to think that one can spoil a child, since a baby cannot be spoiled. As well as your time and energy, your baby needs your love and affection. You should give as much of that as you can!

2. There is a dependency created by co-sleeping

 Co-sleeping with their parents or sharing a bed with their parents after infancy tends to lead to children being able to sleep independently without being overly dependent on them. When your child is able to sleep independently, the transition should be made slowly.

There is a set bedtime for the entire family

 Newborns go to bed at the same time as their parents. The child can go to bed earlier as they grow, but it isn't necessary for you to do so as well.

5. You will sleep with your child for the rest of his or her life

 Sleeping on its own can also be taught to your baby. You can gradually introduce your baby to sleeping on their own. As they become comfortable with sleeping on their own, introduce the concept slowly. There is no need to keep your baby in your bed for the rest of their lives.

Co-Sleeping is Done Safely

Breaking the co-sleeping habit

The bassinet can be attached to your bed or you can keep it in your bed with you, this will allow you to keep the baby close by while still keeping him or her safe.

Make sure you have a separate blanket for everyone in the bed, and don't put any pillows nearby.

Make sure you have your own blanket if you sleep with your spouse in the middle of the bed and your child in the middle.

Co-sleeping products that are safe

  • Mini Nina Sena

  • It's a breeze with 4Moms

  • Swaddled in Ergobaby

  • A sleep sack made of oilo

As a final thought

As long as everyone is happy, sharing rooms is fine. The opposite is true if you feel your sweetie sleeps better in her own room or if you need a bit more privacy. 

Co-sleeping can be confusing and even controversial, but the most important thing is to remember that room sharing during infancy is safe and recommended to reduce SIDS risks, whereas bed-sharing increases those risks. Here are some tips and information on how to stop co-sleeping.

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